VS482 User Manual
The Echo function lets the VS482 perform front panel and IR control
operations, but not commands received through the RS-232 interface.
The formula for the Echo command is as follows:
Echo Command + Control (on/off) + [Enter]
For example, to enable the Echo function, type the following:
echo on [enter]
The following tables show the possible values and formats for the Control
The following table shows the available command list:
You can reset the VS482to default factory settings. The formula for the Reset
command is as follows:
Reset Command [Enter]
The following tables show the possible values and formats for the Control
The following table shows the available command list:
Command Description
echo Enable / Disable Echo function
Control Description
on Echo function on
off Echo function off (default)
Command Control Enter Description
echo on [Enter] Echo on
echo off [Enter] Echo off
Command Description
reset Reset the device settings
Command Enter Description
reset [Enter] Reset the device