
GigaX Smart Switch Centralized Network Management 19
4.3.2 Setup
Figure 4.8. Setup
CNM polls the switch status periodically, the polling interval can be adjusted.
1. Auto Update Time Interval: as Figure 4.9, a proper value can be set. The auto
update time interval is used to poll the switch statistics and link status on the top
of the window. The interval value could be adjusted from 0 to 300 seconds. 0
means no polling at all. There is a tool bar button for it.
Figure 4.9 Auto Update Time Interval
Figure 4.7 Remove Switch
6. Remove Switch: you can remove any switch in the topology list manually through
this function. It pops out a switch list and check those switches you want to
remove. Please refer to Figure 4.7 for the switch list window.