Quick Installation Guide IPF-3000
z Choose 『1.Modify』 from the menu of this address and modify it
4. Speed Dial
(1) Add speed dial number
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『4.Speed Dials』
z Go to the digit you want to set for speed dial and press 【HOLD】
z Pick the target number from address book to associate with this speed dial digit.
Press 【HOLD】to save.
(2) Remove a specific speed dial entry
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』\『4.Speed Dials』
z Go to the digit you want to set for speed dial.
z Press 【MUTE】to remove the current speed dial mapping.
(3) Speed Dial
z [0-19] +【SPD】; e.g.: ‘1’+【SPD】or ‘01’ + 【SPD】
z 【SPD】+ [00-19]; e.g.:【SPD】+ ‘01’.
Note: if you want to dial single digit only, such as
, please press an
to finish dialing; otherwise, it will wait for the second digit until
inter-digit timeout, which default is 4 seconds. For example,
5. How to activate and deactivate call screen?
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『1.Search』
z Locate the target address that you want to screen and press 【HOLD】to choose
z Go to『3.Screen Call』and press【HOLD】 to toggle call screen.
6. List all screened Numbers
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『5.Call screening』 to view all screened
z Locate the target address that you want to remove from screening list and press
【HOLD】to choose.
z Pick 『3.Revoke』and press 【HOLD】to remove it from the screened list.
V. Call Forward
1. Set up forwarding number
z 『Main Menu』=>『4.Call forward』/『1. Target number』