
IPF-2600 User’s Manual/
1 IP Type IP mode type
Fixed IP client set fixed IP address
DHCP client Obtain IP address automatically from DHCP server
PPPoE client PPPoE dial-up setting
NAT setting: enable NAT function setting is done through the
2 Fixed IP setting Fixed IP address
Host IP host IP address “*” indicates the “.”in the IP address
Network mask: set submnet mask IP address
Gateway IP set gateway IP address
MAC address set MAC address
3 PPPoE Setting PPPoE setting
User name Enter PPPoE user ID
Password Enter PPPoE password
Bridge ON/OFF Bridge function
NAT ON/OFF Router function
Primary DNS Mostly DNS Setting
Secondary DNS Secondary DNS Setting
Activation ON/OFF VLAN function
VID Default is 136, Virtual LAN Server setting , VLAN Identifier
(Virtual LAN ID. Name VLAN ID or VID).
Default is 0, user priority Setting , user priority(0-7)
CFI Default is 1, Canonical Format Indicator (CFI).
CFI=1: head of the packet contains spaces RIF , And the NCFI Flag
which inside RIF decision information is carried by MAC address.
"Standard format" (Canonical Format) or "non-standard format"