Camera Body
Fibre Optic Viewing Screens
The overview shows the available fibre optic viewing
screens. Without ARRIGLOW, the fibre optic viewing
screens for the ARRIFLEX 16 SR II can be used. (The
16SR 3 screens can also be used in the 16SR II as well).
Changing the Fibre Optic Viewing Screens
• Switch off the camera and remove the on-board
battery or the supply cable.
• Remove the lens or lens port cap.
• If appropriate remove the lens port adapter.
• Turn the mirror shutter downwards using the manual
inching mechanism.
• Grip the fibre optic viewing screen using the Hirschmann-
clamp (included in the camera package) and pull out
of the holder.
• To clean the fibre optic viewing screen use a particle-
free optical cloth moistened with pure alcohol.
Before resinserting the fibre optic viewing
screen ensure the fibre optic viewing screen
frame is completely clean.
• Push the fibre optic viewing screen with the Hirschmann-
clamp to the stop position in the holder. A spring lock
fixes the fibre optic viewing screen in the exact position.
• Check the lock: press a finger carefully onto the front
rim of the fibre optic viewing screen frame.