o It is important to operate and maintain your filter according to the manufacturer’s
specifications. As a filter gets dirty, the water flow to the heat pump is reduced.
The higher the pressure on the filter gauge, the lower the flow rate.
o Similar to a dirty filter, large amounts of debris in the pump basket can reduce
water flow…Keep basket free of debris.
o Check for improper valve settings. A partially closed valve after the filter, or a
full-open bypass around the heater, will cause insufficient water flow through the
o If the conditions listed above remain unresolved, the water flow through the
heater may be reduced to a point where internal safety devices shut the heater off.
For example, should an “HP” or “Flo” code be observed on the display–either
will prevent the heater from operating–insufficient water flow could be the cause.
Before calling for service, always check the filter, the pump basket, and water
valve positions. If the problem persists, call AquaCal Customer Support at:
o NOTE: During pool refinishing or acid washing, the water flow through the pool
heater must be shut off until the process is completed, and the pool chemistry is
once again in balance.
o For maximum efficiency, proper air flow clearances around heater must be
o It is important to keep the area around your heat pump clear of items such as
shrubs and bushes, lawn furniture, chemicals containers, etc. These items can
prevent air from circulating properly through the heater, and will result in
inefficient operation or damage to components inside the heat pump. Do not
place objects on top of the heat pump; doing so will block the air from exiting
the heater, and will result in damage to the compressor and fan motor.
o Proper clearances are also necessary in order to access the working parts of
your heater. A heater that is easy to “get to”, will be a heater that is easy to
maintain; service and maintenance personnel will thank you for keeping the
area around your heater unobstructed.
o Please see the next two pages for recommended clearances.