Updated 23/05/07 RAOM0507 Apollo Bicycle Company Pty. Ltd. ABN: 60 001 914 469
The drivetrain consists of the pedals, chain,
chainwheel, crank set, and freewheel.
These are all the components of the bicycle
that transmit power to the rear wheel.
There is a vast range of pedals available, designed
for many different uses. Pedals fitted with toe clips
and straps aim to make the pedalling process easier for the rider. The toe clips and straps
ensure the cyclist’s feet stay correctly positioned and cause a pulling force, as well as a
downward pressure, to be generated on the pedals. To get the full benefit of these pedals
it is recommended that the rider wear cycling shoes especially designed for use with toe
clips. Consult your bicycle dealer for instruction on how toe clips and straps operate.
Pedals fitted with toe clips and straps require a certain level of skill to operate
safely. Riders should repeatedly practice using such pedals in areas free from
traffic, hazards or obstacles, until operation becomes a reflex action.
Failure to do so could result in the cyclist losing control of the bicycle
and falling. It is also recommended that the straps be kept loose initially
and gradually tightened as the rider’s skill in using the pedals increases.
However, toe straps should never be tight when riding in traffic.
Every month the pedals should be inspected. Check that:
- Pedals are securely fastened into the cranks. Loose pedals are a potential hazard
for both the rider and the integrity of the cranks.
- Pedal bearings are adjusted correctly. Alter, grease or replace if any roughness
or looseness is detected in the pedal bearings when the pedals are moved up
and down, laterally or rotated by hand.
- The front and rear pedal reflectors are clean and firmly attached.
- If toe clips are fitted, ensure that they are fastened tightly to the pedals.
Pedal Axles
L = Left
R = Right
Turn Counter-
to tighten
to tighten
Correct Pedal Attachment