
2. In cases where the source voltage to the UPS is nominal and the applied UPS
load is equal to or less than 100% of UPS capacity, input current shall not exceed
130% of UPS output current, while providing full battery recharge power and
importing necessary power for system losses.
F. Redundancy: The UPS shall be configured with redundant input converters, each with
semiconductor fusing, and logic controlled contactors to remove a failed module from
the input bus.
G. Charging:
1. The battery charging shall keep the DC bus float voltage of +/137v, +/-1%
2. The battery charging circuit shall contain a temperature monitoring circuit, which
will regulate the battery charging current to optimize battery life.
3. The battery charging circuit shall remain active when in automatic Bypass and in
Normal Operation.
H. Back-feed Protection: The above-mentioned logic controlled contactor also provides
the back-feed protection required by UL1778.
A. The UPS output inverter shall constantly recreate the UPS output voltage waveform by
converting the DC bus voltage to AC voltage through a set of IGBT driven bi-
directional power converters. In both normal operation and battery operation, the output
inverters shall create an output voltage independent of the mains input voltage. Input
voltage anomalies such as brown-outs, spikes, surges, sags, and outages shall not affect
the amplitude or sinusoidal nature of the recreated output voltage sine wave of the
output inverters.
B. Overload Capability: The output power converters shall be capable of 200% for short-
circuit clearing. Steady-state overload conditions, of up to 130% of system capacity
(N+1), shall be sustained by the inverter continuously in normal and battery operation.
Should overloads persist past the outlined limitation, the critical load will be switched
to the automatic bypass output of the UPS which is based upon the rating of 100A.
C. Output Contactor: The output inverter shall be provided with an output mechanical
relay to provide physical isolation of the inverter from the critical bus. With this feature
a failed inverter shall be removed from the critical bus.
I. Battery Protection: The inverter shall be provided with monitoring and control circuits
to limit the level of discharge on the battery system.
J. Redundancy: The UPS shall be configured with redundant output inverters, each with
semiconductor fusing, and logic controlled relays to remove a failed component from
the critical bus.