Before you Start
10 Quick Start for Hardware Installation: P333T-PWR Stackable Switch
Stack Master election rules
Table 5 lists the switches in order of election priority from highest to lowest.
Note: If there are two switches with the same firmware version and the same election
priority, the switch positioned lower in the stack becomes Stack Master.
Table 5: Stack Master election priority
Switch type Switch mode Stack Master
election priority
C363T, C363T-PWR Layer 2 1
C364T, C364T-PWR Layer 2 2
C363T, C363T-PWR Layer 3 3
C364T, C364T-PWR Layer 3 4
P332GT-ML Layer 2 5
P332G-ML Layer 2 6
P334T-ML Layer 2 7
P332GT-ML Layer 3 8
P332G-ML Layer 3 9
P334T-ML Layer 3 10
G700 N/A 11
P333R, P333R-LB Layer 2 12
P333T, P334T, P332MF N/A 12
P333T-PWR N/A 13
P333R, P333R-LB Layer 3 14
P333R-LB Webswitch 15