
Secondary Functions
Secondary Functions activate additional features on your Q90D by pressing various
combinations of two or three keys at the same time.
Note: In all key combinations, first you hold down the CTRL key (or CTRL and Shift keys),
then press another key.
Hold Hold Press Function
down down
Secondary Functions Using the CTRL Key and One Function Key
The following 15 functions, which use the CTRL key and one of the Function keys, are
displayed on the keyboard.
CTRL F1 When ON LINE READY! Is displayed, the Q90D is ON
LINE and you are connected to the phone line. Press CTRL
and F1 again, the Q90D goes OFF LINE and disconnects from
the phone line.
Ctrl F2 Wait activates WAITING FOR RESPONSE message on your
screen.This is useful when the person you are having a
conversation with is temporarily away from their telephone.
If activated, when the other party begins typing, the bright
RING FLASHER starts flashing.
Ctrl F3 Activates the Cell Phone Standby Mode and the CELL FLASH
red indicator light flashes to announce an incoming cellular or
cordless phone call.
Ctrl F4 Turns VCO mode ON or OFF.
Ctrl F5 MIC turns ON the Microphone if VCO mode is ON.When
the Microphone is ON,a green indicator light in the upper left
section of the Q90D is illuminated. Note:Shift + Spacebar also
turns the Microphone ON.
Ctrl F6 Turns display screen Backlighting ON or OFF. If you are
operating the Q90D on batteries only, turning the Backlighting
OFF will conserve battery life.
Ctrl F7 Prints the conversation memory.This works OFF LINE only. It
also prints text messages from the Answering Machine.