© American DJ® AUDIO Los Angeles, CA 90058 USA
Specifications subject to change without notice. XDM-352 User Instructions page 3
(2) BASS/TREBLE CONTROL - Used to increase or decrease the LOWs and HIs of the input signal.
(3) LINE/PHONO SWITCH - Used to select the input to be sent to the individual channel. Channel 1 and 2 can be switched
phono/line. Channel 3 can either be switched line/line or phono/line. The selector is on the rear panel. Channel 4 can be
switched Mic2/line.
(4) CHANNEL FADER - Used to adjust the output level of the individual channel.
(5) CUE SWITCH - Used to select the channel(s) to be monitored.
(6) ASSIGN SWITCH - Used to switch the crossfader on or off.
(7) CHANNEL ASSIGN SWITCH - Used to select which channel is to be mixed with another.
(8) CROSSFADER - Mixes the signals of one channel with another. With the CHANNEL ASSIGN switches (7), you can
choose which channel is to be mixed with another. EXAMPLE: Set the left CHANNEL ASSIGN switch to channel 1 and
the right switch to channel 2 in order to mix the signal of channel I with channel 2. When the crossfader is set to the
center position, both channels can be heard at once.
(9) BEAT INDICATOR - The LED lights up at every bass beat of the respective source. As soon as the LEDs blink
synchronously, the speed of the two sources is synchronized.
(10) BOOTH LEVEL CONTROL - THE XDM-352 features a DJ BOOTH monitor system. Connect your monitor system to
the BOOTH OUT jacks (33) on the rear panel. You can adjust the output level with the BOOTH LEVEL knob.
(11) CUE MIXING CONTROL - Selects the channel for monitoring. The monitor signal comes from Prefader. This means
it will not be affected by the channel faders. You can monitor every channel individually and all possible combinations.
Connect your headphones to the PHONES jack(13). Turn the CUE MIXING control to CUE and select CH-1, CH-2, CH-3
or CH-4 with the CUE switches (5). The LED indicates, which channel(s) have been chosen. When you turn the CUE
MIXING control to PGM (CUE switches without function), you can cue the output signal of the mixer. If the CUE MIXING
control is set to the center position, you can cue both the channel signal you selected and the output signal. With the CUE
LEVEL control (12), you can adjust the phones volume without changing the output signal.
(12) CUE LEVEL CONTROL - Adjusts the headphone output level.
(13) PHONES JACK - Use this jack to connect the headphones. Headphones from 8 Ohms to 600 Ohms can be used.
16 Ohms is recommended.
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