7. [STA0]
This command disables automatic feedback
from the card and front panel. The command
affects any card with auto-feedback capability,
not just the MT103-123 card. The default at
power on or reset is STA0, OFF.
Command Format: [STA0]
8. [SIG]
This command will test for the presence of an
input signal and return a “1” if a signal is present
and return a “0” if no signal is present.
Command Format: [SIGCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
An MT103-123 is in slot 4 and there is a valid
Twisted Pair signal on the input. Send the
command [SIGC4] and the system will return the
following feedback:
9. [EQ]
This command displays the current software
equalization setting and selects the equalization
function for adjustment using the [+] and [-]
commands. This command has no effect if the
equalization switch is set for hardware control.
Command Format: [EQCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
An MT103-123 card is in slot 4 and its
equalization level is set to zero. Send the
command [EQC4] and receive the following
Continuing from the previous example, the
equalization function is now active and may be
adjusted using the [+] and [-] commands. The
card will display the new equalization setting
after each [+] or [-] command. Send the
following commands to increase the equalization
to a value of 5:
[ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ - ]
EQ=1 EQ=2 EQ=3 EQ=4 EQ=5 EQ=4
The level is now 4 and no further adjustments
are required.
10. [+]
See the [EQ] command for details.
11. [-]
See the [EQ] command for details.
12. [EQ=]
This command is used to set the equalization to
an absolute value and select the equalization
function for adjustment using the [+] and [-]
commands. This command has no effect if the
equalization switch is set for hardware control.
Command Format: [EQ=mCn]
m = Equalization (m = # from 0 to 50)
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Set the equalization level of the MT103-123 card
in slot 4 to a value of 25 by sending the
command [EQ=25C4]. The [+] and [-]
commands may be used to fine-tune the
equalization at this time.
13. [CLR]
This command clears the card settings and sets
the software equalization to zero.
Command Format: [CLRCn]
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Clear the MT103-123 by sending [CLRC4].