900ms: The door lock/unlock pulse is set
to 900ms.
3 Sec: The door lock/unlock pulse is set
to 3 seconds.
On: Anti Car-Jack mode enabled. In
this mode, the security system will
enter full alarm mode if the correct
Anti Car-Jack deactivation
procedure is not carried out after
disarming. See page 104 for
further information.
Off: Anti Car-Jack mode disabled.
On: The security system is connected
to the CVA-1000 or CDA-7949 via
Ai-NET connection.
Off: The security system is not
connected to either unit.
Note: When this switch is ON, the setting
values for "Security Setup" in the CVA-
1000 or CDA-7949 are superior to all
other regardless of any other dip
switch status.
6. Door Pulse 1 (900ms/3 Sec)
Largeur d'impulsion de la portière 1
(900 msec/3 sec)
Impulso de puertas 1 (900 mseg/3 seg)
Dealer Programm-
able Features
Dip Switch (S502)
1. Anti Car-Jack Mode (On/Off)
Mode Anti Car-Jack (marche/arrêt)
Modo anti-ladrón de Coches (Activado/
2. Ai-NET (On/Off)
Ai-Net (marche/arrêt)
Ai-Net (Activado/Desactivado)