Operation Section 4-12
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
SR14/SR20 10/03
Operating Mower Hydraulics with Two Tractor Hydraulic Ports
The lines that operate the wings must be plumbed together and will be controlled using one hydraulic control valve
and the center section with the remaining control valve. Ensure that the operator is aware that each wing cannot
be controlled independently nor will they raise and lower simultaneously.
5.2 Connecting Mower Hydraulic Lines to the Tractor
Operating Mower Hydraulics with Three Tractor Hydraulic Ports
Connect one hose into each hydraulic port. Connect lines to correspond with position of hydraulic control levers.
Operating the Mower Hydraulics with a 3-Spool Hydraulic Control Valve (Extra Equipment)
With the tractor shut down and secured in position, relieve hydraulic pressure from the tractor by moving the
control levers back and forth several times or placing the levers in the float position.
When connecting the mower hydraulic lines, keep hoses, quick couplers, and swivels free of contamination.
Never leave a disconnected hose end open and cap the tractor hydraulic outlet ports when not in use. If the tractor
ports or mower hydraulic hose ends become contaminated, wipe clean with a rag before connecting.
Ensure the valve matches the hydraulic operating system of the tractor (open or closed center). Refer to the
Assembly Section for additional information on equipping the tractor with a 3-spool control valve.
Mount the valve bank to a tractor fender or other accessible location. Connect valve bank inlet and outlet lines to
outlets of the same tractor hydraulic port. Connect the mower hydraulics to the control valve bank with the center
section line to the right port. Connect the wing cylinder lines to the control valve positioned to correspond with the
left and right wing.
To activate the 3-spool hydraulic control valve, tie the tractor’s hydraulic control lever back to keep hydraulic oil
continuously fed to the valve bank.
After connecting the mower hydraulic lines to the tractor, support the hoses with the equipped brackets. Ensure
that hoses do not contact the driveline, do not bind while turning, and do not become pinched or kinked.
Hydraulic Line Support
Hydraulic Cylinders must be filled with hydraulic oil before removing the wing transport braces to lower the mower
wings. Hydraulic cylinders and lines are filled by holding the valve control levers in the raised position until the
cylinders fully retract (wing cylinders) and extend (center cylinder). Place control levers in the float position and
repeat process a second time. Ensure wings are entirely supported by the cylinders before removing the transport
braces. NEVER drive out bar pins and NEVER remove braces that have tension on them.
Hydraulic Cylinder Priming
3-Spool Control Valve