The display says ### BEAT and ➔START. This indicates a Pattern's length in beats
(quarter notes). Enter the desired length with the INC/DEC or number buttons (this must be a
three digit number; enter leading zeroes if necessary). A smaller value compared to the
original length will remove the difference, in beats, from the beginning of the Pattern. A larger
value will add the difference, in beats, to the beginning of the Pattern.
Background An example will help clarify how beats are added to or removed from the beginning. Assume an
original length of 008 beats. Changing ➔START to 007 will delete 1 beat from the Pattern beginning. Therefore,
what had been beats 002-008 will now be beats 001-007. Because a beat was removed, the Pattern will be 7
beats long.
Changing ➔START to 009 will add a beat to the beginning of the Pattern. What had been beats 001-008 will now
be beats 002-009. Because a beat was added to the beginning, the Pattern will be 9 beats long and the beat
added at the beginning will be silent.
Offset shifts a Pattern or individual drum parts ahead of or behind the beat in 1/384th note
increments to allow for altering the "feel" of a piece. This only affects already-recorded parts.
1. The SR-16 should be in Pattern mode and stopped. The display says OFFSET, which will
be 00/384 (no offset).
2. Press the pad to be offset (as confirmed by the display). If you don't select a pad, offset
affects the entire Pattern.
3. Enter the two-digit offset value with the INC/DEC or number buttons. Positive numbers shift
events ahead of the beat (lead), negative numbers shift events behind the beat (lag).
The default is positive numbers; to enter a negative number with the number buttons, press
DEC first. Example: To offset a part 1/16th note later, enter -24 as the offset value since 24
sub-beats equals a 1/16th note.
Press PLAY to enter this number into the SR-16. To apply the same amount of offset to
additional pads, press the next pad then press PLAY.
Notes: The display counter resets after you exit the function. Therefore, it does not keep track
of the total amount of offset, but only changes in offset.
Drums offset to before the first beat "wrap around" to the end of the Pattern; drums offset past
the end of the last beat "wrap around" to the beginning of the Pattern.
The display shows STEP MODE? This is your "gateway" to step editing, which provides
detailed Pattern editing and recording. To enter the step editor, press PLAY.
The display now shows the beat and sub-beat. If a drum event exists on this beat/sub-beat,
the display will also show the drum pad that played the event and the event volume. If more