Antenna Indication
Status & Warning
Status messages
in order of priority:
TheDSR 700receiveris aspecialdigitaltrue-diversitydesignwith an integratedantenna splitter.The
antenna field (H) indicates the active antenna.
Thestatus andwarningindicationfunctionprovidesvisualwarningsto alertyou whenselectablecrit-
ical system conditions occur.If one of the selected conditions occurs, the LED ring (11) around the
SELECTcontrol willchangefrom greento redand awarningmessage willappearon thedisplay that
describes the current fault condition.The warning messages appear in the order of priority.
Dependingon the typeof warning,a largemessage (upperfield) isshownpermanently orfor 5secs.
A smallmessage (bottomline) is displayedfor aslong asthe warning isnot confirmed.The selected
warning functions are active in LOCK andACTIVE modes.
• To delete a warning message from the display,press the SELECT control briefly.
1. LOW BATT: Transmitter battery capacity is low.The LED ring is
lit red and a large warning message displayed permanently.
2. AF CLIP: Audio overload in transmitter A/D converter.The LED
ring islit red anda large warningmessage displayedfor 5 secs.
or as long as the fault condition lasts.
A small warning message is displayed in the main window until
the warning is confirmed.
3. RF LOW: The field strength of the received RF signal is too low,
the receiver’s audio output is muted toprevent unwanted noise.
TheLED ringis litred anda largewarningmessagedisplayedfor
5 secs. or as long as the fault condition lasts.
A small warning message is displayed in the main window until
the warning is confirmed.
4. ANT ERROR: The same antenna has been active for more than
one minute.The LEDring is litred and alarge warning message
displayed for 5 secs. or as long as the fault condition lasts.
A small warning message is displayed in the main window until
the warning is confirmed.
6 Display
DMS 700_2_Quad Manual_F031103 21.03.2011 15:12 Uhr Seite 12