Troubleshooting - 3
Post-repair Calibration
Calibration is required annually and whenever certain components are replaced. If components in any of the circuits
listed below are replaced, the supply must be re-calibrated as described in Appendix B of the User's Guide.
a. A1 Control Board: Voltage or Current Monitor Amplifier circuits, High Bandwidth Current Amplifier, or
Current Monitor resistors R403/R473
b. A2 Interface Board
If the Interface board A2 is replaced, the supply must be initialized first (see "Initialization" later in this chapter) and
then be calibrated.
Inhibit Calibration Switch
If "CAL DENIED" appears on the display when calibration is attempted, or if error code 401 occurs when
calibrating over the GPIB, the internal INHIBIT CAL switch has been set. This switch setting prevents unauthorized
or inadvertent power supply calibration. You must reset this switch in order to calibrate the supply.
This four-section switch, S201, is located on the A2 Interface board near the GPIB connector. The switch has 2
functions related to calibration. One is Inhibit Calibration. With this switch set the supply will not respond to
calibration commands, thus providing security against unauthorized calibration. The other switch allows you to
bypass the password in case it is forgotten.
Switch 3 Switch 4
Off Off
Off On
On Off
Calibration Password
In order to enter the calibration mode, you must use the correct password as described in Appendix B of the
Operating Manual. As shipped from the factory, the number 0 (zero) is the password. If you use an incorrect
password, "OUT OF RANGE" will appear on the display for front panel calibration (or error code 402 occurs for
GPIB calibration) and the calibration mode will not be enabled.
If you have changed the password and have forgotten it, you can set the configuration switch on A2 Interface board
to bypass the password. See "Calibration Switch" paragraph above.
4 3 2 1