
HE/001132 Page 68 of 92
Document No. 001132, Revision 2.0
Agfa HealthCare NodeID Livelink : 14140190 14 June, 2007
Table 3.1-1: AE Related Application Profiles, Real World Activities and Roles
Implementation Class UID
Implementation Version Name AGFA DTF1.0.XX
3.2 AE Specifications
3.2.1 Offline-Media Application Entity Specification
The Offline-Media Application Entity provides standard conformance to the DICOM Interchange Option of
the Media Storage Service Class. The Application Profiles and roles are listed below:
Table 3.2-1: AE Related Application Profiles, Real World Activities and Roles
Application Profile Supported Real-World Activity Roles SC Option
Portable data for imaging Export to CD-R FSC
(creation of a File-Set)
Interchange Real World Activities Real World Activity - Export to CD-R
The Offline-Media Application Entity acts as an FSC using the interchange option when requested to export
SOP Instances from the local database to a CD-R medium.
If the current contents selection does not fit on a single media, an error message is displayed and the export
will fail.
The user will be prompted to insert an empty CD-R for each export job. The contents of the export job will be
written together with a corresponding DICOMDIR, which is placed in the root directory, to a single-session
CD-R. Writing in multi-session mode is supported. The user can cancel an export job in the job queue.
The file names and directory names may reflect the patient name or ID if necessary, but in case the operator
selects “anonymous export” these names and IDs should not refer to the actual patient.
The aim of anonymous export is that any data, which could be used to derive the identity of the patient, is
removed from the image. This includes all dates, UID and other ID’s, patient related information and all
related physician’s names.
All attributes from the following modules are therefore blanked:
- Patient
- Patient Study
- Patient Medical
- General Study
- General Series
- DX Series
- SOP Common
- General Image
XX is the build version number.