Appendix B: Log Messages
61202.070L1-1 Express L128/L128T User Manual 133
NOT end2end ISDN
level 4
The path that the call was routed over is not ISDN from end-to-end. This is a
warning and is most often seen for POTS calls.
Power Up - last down cause: <reason>
level 0 (displayed as level 1 after the unit is reset)
This is the <reason> for the last reset. Most are caused by internal errors. Pos-
sible reasons are:
Bus Error - Bad address occurred on the internal bus
Kernel error - General operating system error
No SBCs - Mail resources used up or lost
Router stack error - Fatal error in protocol stack
general panic - general error
no rip - rip tasks could not start
out of memory - out of available memory
out of TCP ports - all TCP ports are used up
unknown error - unknown fatal error has occurred
Set timer error - Cannot set real time clock
Software Watch Dog Reset - Software watchdog was not updated
Probe: all ports busy
level 3
All ports were busy when it was time to probe. An attempt will be made on
the next probe interval.
Probe failed
level 2
An attempt to connect to a probe site failed.
Probing <name>
level 4
The Express L128/L128T is making an outgoing call to the destination speci-
fied by the description in the Connection List in order to get an update on
POTS call bump
level 4
The Express L128/L128T has dropped bandwidth on an existing data call so
that a POTS call can be connected.