
Chapter 6: Testing
58 ISU 512 User Manual 61202.086L1-1
2047 Checker
The ISU 512 has the ability to loopback the remote unit and generate/check
2047 BERT pattern through the BONDING protocol. This allows 2047 BERT
patterns to be run on multiple ISDN connections (through BONDING). The
originating ISU 512 generates the 2047 patterns and checks the incoming pat-
tern for errors. The test is run for a period of time defined in S-register 26. The
larger the value in S26 the longer the test runs before entering data mode. The
results of the test are placed in the status buffer of the originating unit.
The Smart Dial String Format for this type of call is:
For example, the dial string 9224323#5 places a remote loopback call to the re-
mote unit. After BONDING connects, the originating unit displays the byte
count and error count for the current test along with the amount of time left in
the test. The remote unit remains in protocol loopback and displays the
amount of time left before the unit(s) enter data mode. This allows the origi-
nate side to complete the test and write the results to the status buffer.
Pressing 0 clears the counts. Pressing Cancel ends the test.
Pressing Cancel on the Remote unit before the end of the test causes the Originate unit
to receive errors and terminate the test. Pressing Cancel on the Originate unit before
the end of the test does not terminate the test at the Remote Site.