Configuring the IPR-S1000
bat: bouquet association table.
cat: conditional access table.
eit: event information table.
nit: network information table.
pat: program association table.
pid_revealer: gives the type of flow.
pmt_pid: program map table.
rst: running status table.
sdt: service description table.
tdt: time and date table.
tot: time offset table.
Allows to exit the shell.
get section.attribut
Asks for the attribute value of the section.attribut. Pressing Tab after
«get» will display all the available attributes (see part C: sections and
attributes). They will be summed up in the next section.
Allows to know the name of the starting profile. If nothing is displayed,
it means it is the factory profile.
Allows to activate all modifications after one or many «set» commands.
Displays helpful information about commands.
Dumps network traffic.
bytecount: Indicates to the program to analyze a certain number of bytes
(default number: 68 bytes).
custom: Allows to enter an expression for the filter (format TCP Dump).
display: Allows to display the contents of the packet (either hexadecimal, or
hexadecimal + ASCII).
dns (domain name system): Allows to convert an IP address into a name.
interface: Allows to choose the interface on which one will scan the packages.
link: Allows to display information of level link.
packcount: The maximum number of packets that one wants to capture.
promiscuous: Allows to see all the packages that arrive on the interface,
including those that are not intended for the interface.
protocol: Allows to restrict a certain protocol, among the packages filtered on