Control Port Operation HDSL2 for General Distribution Installation and Maintenance Practice
18 61223HDSL2L2-5B
The screens illustrated in Figure 10 through Figure 47 are for an HDSL2 circuit deployed with
the ADTRAN HDSL2 technology. The circuit includes an H2TU-C module and an H2TU-R
Logon to Main Menu
A terminal session is initiated by entering multiple spacebar characters, which are used by an
H2TU-C module to determine the speed of the terminal. Once the speed has been determined,
the ADTRAN HDSL2 Main Menu is displayed from which the various Operation, Adminis-
trative, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P) screens may be accessed (Figure 10). To
display a particular screen from the menu, press the number key associated with the screen
title, and press the
ENTER key.
When the ADC HiGain
Management Unit (HMU) is installed, the
3192M DB-9 is disabled. Terminal screens must be accessed from
any one of these HMUs:
Figure 10. ADTRAN HDSL2 Main Menu
Circuit ID:HNTSVLALHDSL2 03/01/05 09:29:45
Adtran HDSL2 Main Menu
1. HDSL2 Unit Information
2. Provisioning
3. Span Status
4. Loopbacks and Test
5. Performance History
6. Scratch Pad, Ckt ID, Time/Date
7. Terminal Modes
8. Alarm History
9. Event History
10. System PM/Screen Report
11. Clear PM and Alarm Histories
12. Troubleshooting
13. Virtual Terminal Control