5Section 61245201L1-5, Issue 361245201L1-5C
From the Main menu the following screens can be accessed.
1. Current System Status
2. Performance History
3. ADTRAN Information
4. Loopback Options
5. Self Test
6. Provisioning
7. Troubleshooting
The Current System Status screen, illustrated in
Figure 7, provides quick access to status information
for both the FT1-DP and FNID. The Elapsed Time
display indicates the period of time since the unit
began collecting performance information.
Current information for the DSL and DS1 interfaces is
consolidated on this screen. A key to the information
provided is found in the center of the screen. Arrows
indicate the key applies to both the FT1 DP and FNID.
LOSS ........................ Pulse Attenuation Measurement
SYNC ....................... HDSL Loop 1 Sync Status
ES 15M/24H ............ Errored Seconds
SES 15M/24H .......... Severely Errored Seconds
UAS 15M/24H ......... Unavailable Seconds
For example: ES 012/264 indicates that 12 errored
seconds have occurred in the current 15-minute period
while a total of 264 errored seconds have occurred in
the last 24 hours.
Table C. Definition of Screen Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition
ES ......................... Errored seconds
DS1 (SF)....... Second in which a BPV or frame bit error occurs
DS1 (ESF) .... Second in which a BPV or CRC error occurs
DSL .............. Second in which a CRC error occurs
SES ....................... Severely errored seconds
DS1 (SF)....... Second in which 1554 BPVs or 8 frame bit errors occur
DS1 (ESF) .... Second in which 1544 BPVs or 320 CRC errors occur
DSL .............. Second in which 165 CRC errors occur
UAS ...................... Unavailable seconds
DS1 ............... Second in which there is a loss of signal or sync
DSL .............. Second in which there is a loss of signal or sync
SF.......................... Superframe format
ESF ....................... Extended superframe format
B8ZS..................... Binary 8-zero substitution
AMI ...................... Alternate mark inversion
LBO ...................... Line build-out
BPV ...................... Bipolar violation
DS1 ............... Second in which a bipolar violation occurs
NIU ....................... T1 network interface unit
S/N ........................ Serial number
15M ...................... Fifteen-minute period
24H ....................... Twenty-four-hour period