Chapter 3: Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
78 Express L768/L1.5 User Manual 61202192L1-1
The Express L768/L1.5’s Test menu contains built-in tests that can be used to
diagnose problems. Figure 3-12 shows the Test menu screen.
Figure 3-12
Test Screen
The following tests can be run:
Test Menu/Echo Request
Write security: 4, Read security: 5
When activated, the echo request test will begin sending continuous PPP echo
request packets to any open LCP ports. Results are displayed on the screen.
This is not used in the Frame Relay mode.
Test Menu/2047 Loopback
Write security: 4, Read security: 5
When activated, a loopback command is sent to the far-end HDSL device and
an internal 2047 pattern is continually transmitted towards the HDSL circuit.
Loopbacked data is checked and an error count is maintained.