Chapter 3. Operation
61200263L1-1.2A ATLAS Router User Manual 3-9
If RIP V2 is used, a user-defined secret will have to be created.
Write Security: 3; Read Security: 5
Defines the method used to send RIP route advertisements. The options are
listed below:
Write Security: 3; Read Security: 5
Defines when RIP advertisements are transmitted.
V2 Secret
Write Security: 3; Read Security: 5
Defines the secret used to advertise routes when using RIP V2.
This menu item is visible only if RIP V2 is used.
All routes in the router table are advertised through this
interface with no modification of the routing metric.
Split Horizon
Only advertises routes not learned through this interface.
Poison Reverse
All routes are advertised, but the routes learned through
this interface are “poisoned” with an infinite route metric.
RIP advertisements are periodically transmitted.
RIP advertisements are transmitted only when new routes are
learned, and learned routes do not age.