
Appendix A: AT Commands
61200051L1-1D ISU 2x64 Dual Port ISDN Service Unit User Manual 93
Command Function
ISDN Switch Type Options (continued)
_S6 TDX10*
_S7 TDX1B*
_S8 KDD*
_S9 NTT*
*Only available on part numbers 1200051L5 and 1200051L6.
ISDN U-Interface Operational Mode Options
_X0 ISU timing slaves to network (NT mode)
_X1 ISU is U-interface timing master (LT mode)
Data Flow Control Options
\Q0 No flow control
\Q1 Software
\Q2 CTS only
\Q3 Hardware
Dump Status Buffer
!S Sends complete log of all messages stored in the StatusBuffer.
VT 100 Terminal Menus
!V Enables VT 100 compatible menuing system via the DTE connector.