
Customising the system
Section 4. Diagnostic Mode
Diagnostic Mode will let the system tell you why it has been reacting.
If you experience alarms, it helps to know why. The CAT21 system will
tell you. Entering Diagnostic Mode is the same as entering Service
Upon entering this mode, the system will give you a series of beeps.
Compare the number of beeps with the chart below, and that is the
reason the alarm had it’s last trigger. In diagnostic mode, the system
will give these series of beeps once every 15 seconds for 2 minutes,
and then automatically revert to service mode.
22 bbeeeeppss
The system cannot ‘see’ a motorcycle battery. Check the alarm
fuse, main power connection or earth connections.
33 bbeeeeppss
The system has detected the ‘ignition on’ signal which may a
simple mistake or may be a forced ignition lock.
44 bbeeeeppss
The system has detected movement/nudge. It may be a windy day!
Maybe you may not want to park your motorcycle their tomorrow.
55 bbeeeeppss
The anti-tamper switch has changed it’s state.
Section 5. Different siren tones
Having an individual siren tone helps you, the rider, to be
more aware if it’s your alarm that is making that noise! The CAT21 has
14 different siren tones, and you can select which one you would like.
Some tones will penetrate some materials, such as seat foam, easier
than others. Experiment with what suits you. In the ‘selection’ time the
siren is subdued so you don’t upset your neighbours; too much
anyway. Use discretion at what time of day you do this.
TToo sseelleecctt yyoouurr oowwnn ttoonnee;;
A. Place the system in Service mode (see section 3) and leave
ignition on
B. Hold the ‘P’ button until a siren tone is heard
C. Press the ‘P’ button - each press will result in a different tone.
D. Press ‘key’ button to confirm selection.
E. You are then free to exit service mode.
Section 6. Customising Audible warning of
You may not want the audible beep to confirm arming and dis-arming.
This feature can be toggled in and out as desired.
With the ignition off, system armed or disarmed, press all three buttons
of the remote transmitter together and hold for approx 5 seconds until
indicators flash quickly.
7 flashes indicates the system is in silent mode
14 flashes indicates the system is in audible mode.