back recorded data, displaying trouble
code definitions, or doing any other func-
tion that uses the scan tool’s internal
memory. If this happens, it is a good idea
to run the Memory Test again. From the
Tool Self-Test Menu, select the Memory
Test option. A “working please wait” mes-
sage is displayed while the scan tool tests
its internal memory:
** Please Wait **
When the Memory Test is completed,
either a “Memory Test Failed!” or a
“Memory Test Passed!” message is dis-
played. Press the ENTER key to return to
the Tool Self-Test Menu.
Memory Test Failed
Press ENTER To Cont
Memory Test Passed
Press ENTER To Cont
If you selected Tool Self-Test from
the Function List, then press the FUNCTION
key to return to the function list at any time.
Kits: Model Number
GM OBD II cable kit CP9115
Ford Probe MECS cable kit CP9116
Chrysler L-H engine cable kit CP9120
Chrysler OBD II cable kit CP9117
Battery Clip Adapters CP9118
AC power converter 110/12V CP9119
4-1 Where to Buy
Actron offers a complete line of high qual-
ity automotive diagnostic and repair
equipment. Additional cartridges, cables,
connectors, and adapters for the scan
Section 4: Accessories and How to Order
tool are available from the local retail
store where you originally purchased
your scan tool. The table below lists the
scan tool accessories.
Replacement Parts: Part Number
Cigarette power cable 38-1908
Carrying Case 400-2080
Main Tool operators manual 2-218601
GM cartridge manual 2-218301
Ford cartridge manual 2-218401
Chrysler cartridge manual 2-218501
4-2 Call Actron
In addition to your local dealer, all Actron
equipment and replacement parts are
available directly from the Actron factory.
Product catalogs, pricing information, and
replacement components can be ordered
by contacting Actron directly.
By US mail:
Actron Manufacturing Company
15825 Industrial Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44135, USA
By phone:
By fax:
(216) 651-2388
For Technical Support call:
4-3 E- Mail &
Internet Address
Actron is also available electronically for
comments and ordering information.
Actron’s E-Mail address is:
And while you’re on-line, be sure to check
out Actron’s Website, where you’ll find
equipment information, new products, and
technical tips to help you make the most of
your new Actron ScanTool.
On the World Wide Web: