Model AC-G0002 Spark Plug Type F6TC
Model AC-G0002 Spark Plug Gap (in/mm) 0.028-0.031/0.7-0.8
To inspect the spark plug:
1. Remove the spark plug by pulling on the spark plug cap.
2. Unscrew the spark plug from this generator by using the included spark plug wrench as illustrated in Figure 16.
3. Visually inspect the spark plug. If it is cracked and/or chipped, discard and install a new spark plug. A F6TC spark plug, such as NGK BPR5ES, is
4. Measure the spark plug electrode gap with a gauge. The gap should be 0.028-0.031in (0.7-0.8mm). (See Figure 17.)
5. If re-using the spark plug, use a wire brush to clean any dirt from around the spark plug base and then re-gap the spark plug.
6. Screw the spark plug back into place on this generator by using the included spark plug wrench.
7. Replace the spark plug cap.
Figure 16 - Removing the Spark Plug Figure 17 - Measuring the Spark Plug Gap
Emptying the Fuel Tank
To store this generator for extended time, drain the gasoline from the fuel tank.
To drain gasoline from this generator:
1. Turn the fuel valve to the “off” position.
2. Remove the fuel filter cup. (See “Fuel Filter Cup Cleaning” earlier in this section.)
3. Empty the fuel filter cup of any fuel.
4. Place a receptacle underneath this generator to catch gasoline as it drains.
5. Turn the fuel valve to the “on” position and allow all gasoline to drain.
6. Turn the fuel valve to the “off” position.
7. Replace the fuel filter cup.
8. Store the drained gasoline in a suitable place.
Do not store
asoline for more than 3 months.
Model AC-G0002 3500 Surge Watts / 3000 Running Watts Portable Generator