ClassPad 101 Lesson 2 CASIO COPYRIGHT
2007 Author: Diane Whitfield
CASIO MRD Center, Portland, Oregon, USA
System Menu Button ( ) Opens a menu that looks similar in all
ClassPad applications. The System menu provides you with many
dialogs to set ClassPad modes and other window options.
Menu Bar Provides a row of menus that you can open and select
commands from. The ClassPad’s “Menu bar” will change for each
different application. For example, notice the different menu bars and
Toolbar Provides a row of buttons that you can click to get a
command or change modes. Some ClassPad toolbar buttons are in
dropdown button palettes.
The button on Main’s
toolbar toggles a result between
fraction and decimal quickly.
This dropdown button palette
provides a way to insert other
applications into
The Main
The SpreadSheet
The Geometry