3M Model D-2400
Component Placement
Component Placement
This section describes placement of the 3M™ Convenience Store Intercom System, Model D-2400, components:
Communications Controller
For proper system operation, locate the Communications Controller:
1. Near the conduit termination of the Call Station wiring.
2. Near the power source.
3. At least 10 feet away from electrical noise sources such as the following:
- large electrical motors (such as air conditioners, freezers, and coolers)
- any electrical components that arc (i.e., relays)
- ballasts (for light fixtures)
4. In a secure room away from traffic.
5. Approximately 5 feet above the floor.
6. Where it is accessible from the top, bottom, and both sides.
7. In a dry and heated (between 50° and 100° Fahrenheit) location.
See Figure 2.
Power Supply
Locate the power supply as follows:
1. Install the power supply mounting bracket in a preferred location, as shown in Figure 2.
2. Insert the power supply transformer into the mounting bracket, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Suggested Communications Controller Placement