
Important Safeguards (Continued)
Figure 1-4  Pinch Point Caution Label
The "Safety Instructions" label, shown in
Figure 1-6, is attached to the top/front of the upper
ski assembly. The label provides convenient
safeguard instructions for the operator and service
The "Center Box Here" label, shown in Figure 1-7,
is attached to the front of the upper frame to remind
the operator of the proper box placement procedure.
The "Caution  Pinch Point" label, shown in
Figure 1-4, is attached to the top of the upper
assembly crossbar on both sides of the machine.
The label reminds operator to keep hands away from
compression rollers when machine is running.
Figure 1-7  Center Box Label
Figure 1-6  Safety Instruction Label
Figure 1-5  Stop Label
The 200a is equipped with a "Red" emergency stop
switch located on the top/front of the upper ski
assembly. The "Stop" label, shown in Figure 1-5,
is located near the switch and reminds operators
and casual personnel of the function of this switch.