
If the system is configured to send e-mail notification of conference
events to users, the e-mails will appear to be sent from the administrator
(sipadmin@yourcompany.com). Note that some mail agents may require
this to be a valid e-mail address.
Host Identifier (hostid) of this machine is: 75896dc20fa90922ddbb2b81
Please send an email to vcxconf@3com.com to receive an activation key to activate
this product.
Please enter the software activation keys one by one; end with an empty line:
Send the host ID to 3Com, which will use it to generate your activation
keys. Once 3Com has returned the activation keys to you, you can paste
them into the install session when prompted.
The activation keys are validated as they are entered. If validation is
successful, the keys will be stored in a license file and the installation
session will continue. If validation is unsuccessful, the installation session
will be aborted.
Enter key:
key ok for sippeng
Enter key:
License file name: /opt/3com/components/presconf.2.5.21/presconf_licenses
Validating the license for sippeng application ...
The license key
sippeng:master.yourcompany.com:+:-:-:-:5ea71ce717ea55427192a1db82d54592 is valid
MySQL is needed for your application.
mysql is found at /opt/3com/VCX/bin/mysql
Assuming mysql is already installed
Enter the mysql user name for accessing the master database.[root]:
Assuming default value as root
Enter the host name on which the master database is running. [localhost]:
Assuming default value as localhost
Enter the mysql password for user root at localhost. [NULL]:
Assuming default value as NULL
-- Creating cinema_db.conf