
Typical X.25 Configuration Example 237
[Router-fr-dlci-100]x25-template profile1
i Map the Frame Relay address to the destination IP address.
[Router-Serial1]fr map ip 100
2 Configure RouterB:
a Create an X.25 template.
[Router]x25 template profile1
b Configure the local X.25 address.
[Router-x25-profile1]x25 x121-address 20094
c Map the destination X.25 address to the destination IP address.
[Router-x25-profile1]x25 map ip x121-address 10094
d Configure an IP address for the local interface.
[Router]interface serial 1
[Router-Serial1]ip address
e Configure the link layer protocol of the interface to Frame Relay.
[Router-Serial1]link-protocol fr
[Router-Serial1]fr interface-type dte
f Configure a Frame Relay DLCI.
[Router-Serial1]fr dlci 100
g Configure the DLCI to be Annex G DLCI.
[Router-fr-dlci-100]annexg dte
h Associates an X.25 template with the DLCI.
[Router-fr-dlci-100]x25-template profile1
i Map the Frame Relay address to the destination IP address.
[Router-Serial1]fr map ip 100
SVC Application of X.25
over Frame Relay
I. Networking Requirements
RouterA and RouterC are respectively connected to RouterB and RouterD through
X.25. RouterB and RouterC are connected through Frame Relay. Configure Annex
G DLCI 100 for Frame Relay on both RouterB and RouterC to interconnect the two
X.25 networks. Thereby, PC1 and PC2 can access each other.