
Configuring the Primary Boot Source 5-5
17 Enter Q to quit the menu.
Information similar to the following is displayed:
18 Ensure that Boot Sources are set to Primary. If the Boot Sources are set correctly,
proceed to step 22. If the Boot Sources are not set to Primary and Secondary,
proceed to the next step.
19 Enter 7 to select Boot Sources.
Information similar to the following is displayed:
Boot Sources: Primary and Secondary
1. Primary
2. Primary and Secondary
3. Secondary
Choose Boot Sources or press Q to quit(CR=Primary and Secondary):
20 Enter 2 to select Primary and Secondary.
Information similar to the following is displayed:
Boot Sources: Primary and Secondary
1. Primary
2. Primary and Secondary
3. Secondary
Choose Boot Sources or press Q to quit (CR=Primary):
21 Press the Return key to confirm Primary.
Information similar to the following is displayed:
22 Enter Q to quit the firmware configuration program.
23 At the monitor prompt, enter bt to reboot the NETBuilder II bridge/router from
firmware, or enter rb to reboot the bridge/router from software.
System Configuration
1. Serial Ports Console: 9600 Auxiliary: 9600
2. Self-Test Skip
3. Start-Up Action Try boot forever
4. Primary Boot Source Network: Slot: 7 /primary/boot.29k
5. Secondary Boot Source Local: /primary
6. Test Boot Source Unknown boot source Slot: 0
7. Boot Sources Primary
8. Dump Destination Do not dump
9. Recovery Procedure
10. MP Boot Source
11. Boot Statistics Booted: 7 Exceptions: 3
Enter parameter number or press Q to quit:
System Configuration
1. Serial Ports Console: 9600 Auxiliary: 9600
2. Self-Test Skip
3. Start-Up Action Try boot forever
4. Primary Boot Source Network: Slot: 7 /primary/boot.29k
5. Secondary Boot Source
Local: /primary
6. Test Boot Source Unknown boot source Slot: 0
7. Boot Sources Primary and Secondary
8. Dump Destination Do not dump
9. Recovery Procedure
10. MP Boot Source
11. Boot Statistics Booted: 9 Exceptions: 6
Enter parameter number or press Q to quit: