Unisar Prenatal Heart Monitor Baby Accessories User Manual

SECTION I. Listening to your unborn baby
1. Introduction 5
2. Your baby’s sounds 5-7
3. Recording your baby’s sounds 7-8
4. Instructions 8-9
5. Troubleshooting 9
6. Diagrams 10-11
SECTION II. Talking and playing music to your unborn baby
1. Introduction 12-13
2. How your baby develops 13-15
3. Research findings 15-16
4. Instructions for playing music 16-17
5. Instructions for talking and singing 18
6. Frequently asked questions 18-19
7. Endnotes 19
8. Diagrams 20-22
9. Music schedule 23
Record and Email your baby's sounds: 24
Warranty and Disclaimer: 25-26
Other products by BébéSounds
: 27-28
SECTION III. En Espagnol: 29-54
SECTION I. Listening to your unborn baby
Please read the following material carefully to maximize your enjoyment
of your BébéSounds
Prenatal Heart Listener™.
It is important to understand that many factors affect what you will hear
with your Fetal Monitor. The position of your baby, the baby’s weight,
your weight, how far into your pregnancy you are, and where you place
the Monitor all help to determine what you will hear.
For example, when listening for the fetal heartbeat, the sound will be loudest
in your third trimester and if your baby is positioned with her back to your
belly button. Your baby may naturally shift her position, thereby creating
the situation where you will hear the baby one moment but not the next.
However, once you’ve passed your second trimester, your baby will be
growing very rapidly and you will hear the heartbeat and all other sounds
on a much more regular basis.
Don’t worry! It is quite normal that there will be times you will not be able
to hear your baby’s sounds due to her position or stage of development.
This is especially true of the heartbeat, which is highly dependent on your
baby’s position.
You will hear the heartbeat, kicks, hiccups, and nutrients passing through
the placenta. Each one is distinctive and being able to identify them will
significantly enhance your experience.