Linking a 4820 Scanner
5. Remove the 4820 Linking bar code from the Access Point kit and
attach it to the Access Point. Scan the 4820 Linking bar code to
establish a connection between the Access Point and the 4820
scanner. The scanner emits a short beep and flashes the green
LED to confirm a connection with the Access Point. The Access
Point’s Page button remains blue.
If you have difficulty connecting with your 4820, it may be due to
Code XML software in your scanner. Scan the following bar
code, then scan the 4820 Linking bar code. These steps may
resolve this connection problem.
Managing Connections
Auto Reconnect Mode
By default, the Access Point is set to Auto Reconnect On, so
the scanner begins the relink process immediately, when a con-
nection to the Access Point is lost. If you do not want to relink
automatically, scan the Auto Reconnect Off bar code.
* Auto Reconnect On
Auto Reconnect Off