Graco 1762254 Baby Jumper User Manual

5.!44%.$%$ Always keep
your child in view.
sDO NOT leave jumper in
doorway when not in use.
Store out of children’s reach.
sDO NOT use jumper as a swing.
sDO NOT use near stairs.
sUSE ONLY in recommended
sDO NOT use if child weighs over
25 pounds (11.3 kg). or if child
becomes too active to safely play
in the jumper.
DO NOT place items with a
string around your child’s
neck, suspend strings from
this product, or attach strings
to toys.
sDO NOT use jumper when
height cannot be adjusted so
that only the front of your child’s
foot touches the floor.
JUMPER should it become
damaged or broken.
sDO NOT use when your child
can walk unaided.
sDO NOT use if the tray of your
jumper is lower than your baby’s
waist level when your child
stands in the jumper.
sUSE JUMPER when you have a
door frame which will properly
support the jumper.
sUSE JUMPER when your baby
can sit upright unaided and
hold his head upright, and
can support most of his body
weight with his legs.
sUSE JUMPER when you are able
to watch your baby at all times
while playing in the jumper.
sDO NOT use mat in crib or
playard or sleep environment.
sDO NOT lay or leave infant on