IMPORTANT! Always attach with all provided fasteners tightly to a crib or playpen
according to the instructions. Do not add additional strings or straps to attach to a crib.
Check frequently.
• The mobile portion of this product may be used from birth until 5 months.
• The base portion of this product may be used from birth until 24 months.
• A crib mobile is intended for visual stimulation and is not to be grasped by a child.
Crib Attachment
Prevent Entanglement Injury
• Keep mobile out of baby’s reach.
• Remove mobile portion of product from crib or playpen
when baby begins to push up on hands and knees.
• This product may not attach to all crib designs. Do not add
additional strings or straps to attach to crib or playpen.
• Use ONLY attached to a crib or playpen.