- 29 -
1 2300-907 Operator Cover
2510-354 Plunger Reset Assembly
2500-2240 Plunger Reset Button
2500-2241 Plunger Extension only
2200-790 Lock for Cover, with Keys
2 2110-796 Main Frame Assembly
2A 2100-2006 Lock Tab Bracket
3 2100-2055 Bottom Shelf
4 2100-1985 Pillow Block Tube Spacer
7 2200-954 Gear Reducer, 20:1
7A 2100-2062 Reducer Spacer
8 2110-777 Reducer Coupler, with Oilite Bushing
9 2200-117 Oilite Bushing for Coupler
10 2100-2026 Disconnect Collar
11 2200-115 Disconnect Collar Spring
12 2200-014 Shaft Collar, 1” diameter, 3/8” LTB
13 2100-1983 Drive Shaft, 1” diameter
14 2100-1986 Disconnect Handle Fulcrum Bracket
15 2100-549 Pin for Disconnect Handle
2400-169 Push-on Nut, 1/4” (not shown)
16 2120-477 Disconnect Handle
17 2100-2060 Disconnect Fulcrum Bracket
18 2100-2059 Disconnect Lever
19 2200-939 Locking Handle Spring
20 2200-274 Pillow Block Bearing, 1” diameter
21 2200-042 48-B-15 Sprocket, 1” bore
22 2200-008 48-B-10 Sprocket, 1/2” bore
for drives less than 23 feet wide
2200-041 48-B-15 Sprocket, 1/2” bore
for drives 23 to 34 feet wide
2200-276 48-B-20 Sprocket, 1/2” bore
for drives 34 to 47 feet wide
23 2200-554 #48 Roller Chain, 14 Links
(use with 2200-008)
2200-966 #48 Roller Chain, 15 Links
(use with 2200-041)
2200-855 #48 Roller Chain, 16 Links
(use with 2200-276)
2200-010 #48 Master Link
24 Controller
(for controller parts list see next page)
25 2520-396-SLC Limit Box Assembly with Cover
2100-057 Limit Shaft
2200-029 Oilite Bushing
2200-030 Limit Nut
2200-193 1/2” E-Ring
2300-946 Heyco Bushing with Wire Guards
2500-440 Limit Switch
2100-261 Detent Plate
2200-028 Detent Spring
26 2300-945 Limit Box Cover
27 2500-2307 1/2 HP, 115V, 1 Phase
2500-2308 1/2 HP, 208/230V, 1 Phase
2500-2309 3/4 HP, 115V, 1 Phase
2500-2310 3/4 HP, 208/230V, 1 Phase
2500-2311 1 HP, 115V, 1 Phase
2500-2312 1 HP, 208/230V, 1 Phase
28 2500-2336 Capacitor for 2500-2307 Motor
2500-2337 Capacitor for 2500-2308 Motor
2500-1926 Capacitor #1 for 2500-2309 Motor
2500-1930 Capacitor #2 for 2500-2309 Motor
2500-1931 Capacitor for 2500-2310 Motor
2500-2338 Capacitor for 2500-2311 Motor
2500-1932 Capacitor for 2500-2312 Motor
29 2200-118 Pulley, 4”, 5/8” bore
30 2200-955 Pulley, 4”, 3/4” bore
31 2200-961 V-Belt, 4L, 35”
32 2510-366 Stop/Reset Button Alarm Assembly
33 2500-867 Alarm
2100-2058 Stop/Reset Button Bracket
34 2500-1495 Stop/Reset Button
35 2200-953 Sprocket, 41-B-15, 1” bore, 1/2 & 3/4HP
2200-952 Sprocket, 40-B-15, 1” bore, 1HP only
36 2110-699 Idler Assembly
37 2100-1731 Idler Pin
38 2300-697 Idler Wheel, UHMW
39 2510-350-SLC1 115VAC Power On/Off Switch Assembly
2500-1957 115VAC Switch only
2510-252-G 230VAC Power On/Off Switch Assembly
2500-2205 230VAC Switch only
40 2510-353 115VAC Outlet Enclosure Assembly
(only available in 115VAC Models)
2500-1956 Outlet only
41 2510-064 Three-Button Station Assembly
Parts from Accessory Box (not shown in exploded view):
2100-2007 Gate Attachment Bracket
2400-170 U-Bolt, 3”
2100-054 Chain Tension Bolt, #41
2200-367 Chain Spring
2200-027 Master Link, #41
2200-150 Chain, #41, per foot
2400-152 Square Head Bolt, 3/8”
Parts from Accessory Box (1HP only) (not shown in exploded view):
2100-2007 Gate Attachment Bracket
2400-170 U-Bolt, 3”
2100-258 Chain Tension Bolt, #40
2200-306 Chain Spring
2200-006 Master Link, #40
2200-202 Chain, #40, per foot
2400-152 Square Head Bolt, 3/8”
Optional Parts:
2650-107 Remote Disconnect kit
2120-483 Post Mounting kit
2100-2010 Base Plate for Operator
2100-2008 Accessory Shelf
1/2 and 3/4HP only:
2220-045 2” Torque Limiter, with Bushing
and 4” Pulley
2200-713 2” Torque Limiter only
2300-693 Friction Disc Pair for Torque Limiter
2200-877 Bushing for Torque Limiter