If you need to order other parts for your stroller, please call us toll-
free at 1-800-992-6624.
Combi USA reserves the right to change pricing at any time.
Shipping and Handling Fees: Add $8.00 for orders $34.99 and under. Add
$13.00 for orders $35.00 and over. Note: Additional shipping charges will
apply outside of the Continental U.S.
If you would like to place an order for the following parts, please fill out the form below and return
it to the following:
Combi USA, Inc.
Attn: Consumer Affairs Department
or Fax this completed form to us at
1962 Highway 160 W, Suite 100
Fort Mill, SC 29708-8027
IMPORTANT: We must have this information to process your order:
Model Number: 7720 - ____ Color & Pattern of Fabric:______________________________________________________
Parts List
Price Quantity Total
1. Seat Cushion $ 35.00
2. Basket $ 20.00
3. Canopy $ 35.00
4. Kid's Tray $ 20.00
5. Shoulder Pads $ 10.00/set
6. Perfect Match Guardrail $ 10.00
7. Rear Wheel Assemblies (Left And Right) $ 20.00/set
8. Front Wheel Assembly $ 20.00
Amount of Order
Shipping & Handling
Sales Tax (6%)
(SC residents only)
Combi IV 7720 Series
Instruction Manual
Ship To:
Consumer Name
Street Address
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Charge to my credit card:
Card Number
Expiration Date __________ - ___________ - ____________
Cardholder’s Signature
Check enclosed
Combi USA, Inc. • 1962 HWY 160 W, Suite 100 • Fort Mill, SC 29708 • www.combi-intl.com
Consumer Affairs 1-800-99-COMBI