KC1066 Form EVX2MARINEADDM Rev 080211
Instruction Addendum: EVX-2 Marine Electronic Speed Control
Traxxas, 1100 Klein Road, Plano, TX 75074,
Phone: 972-265-8000, Fax: 972-265-8011, e-mail: support@Traxxas.com
Your new model now includes the new EVX-2 Marine Electronic Speed
Control. These instructions replace the EVX setup and programming
instructions found in your model’s Owners Manual. EVX-2 Marine
electronic speed controls are factory set and should not require any
adjustments. These instructions are provided for your reference.
The EVX-2 Marine uses MOSFET transistors and microprocessor circuitry
to deliver efcient, high-frequency operation. The EVX-2 Marine delivers
smooth, precise, full-proportional control over your speed in forward
and reverse. EZ-Set
push-button setup, multi-color LED, and three easy-
to-program drive proles provide convenient, customized operation.
The EVX-2 Marine comes with the peace-of-mind of the Traxxas Lifetime
Electronics Warranty and unmatched Traxxas customer support. The
EVX-2 Marine is not a toy. It is a sophisticated electronic device capable
of delivering large amounts of current. Children under 8 years of age
require adult supervision for use of the EVX-2 Marine. If you have
questions or need assistance call us at 1-888-TRAXXAS.
Transmitter Adjustments for the EVX-2 Marine ESC
Before attempting to program your EVX-2 Marine ESC, it is important
to make sure that your transmitter is properly adjusted (set back to the
factory defaults). Otherwise, you may not get the best performance
from your speed control.
The transmitter should be adjusted as follows:
1. Set the throttle neutral switch to the 70/30 setting.
2. Set the throttle trim to the middle “0” setting. This adjusts the
neutral position.
3. Set the channel 2 servo reversing switch to the left position.
4. Do not change the position of any of the servo reversing switches
after programming the EVX-2 Marine ESC.
EVX-2 Marine Setup Programming (Calibrating your ESC and transmitter)
Read through all of the following programming steps before you begin.
If you get lost during programming or receive unexpected results,
simply unplug the battery, wait a few seconds, plug the battery back in,
and start over.
1. Place the boat on a stand and make sure objects
and ngers are clear of the propellers.
2. Connect two fully charged battery packs to the
EVX-2 Marine.
3. Turn on the transmitter (with the
throttle at neutral).
4. Press and hold the EZ-Set button
(A). The LED will rst turn green
and then red. Release the EZ-Set
5. When the LED blinks RED ONCE. Pull
the throttle trigger to the full throttle
position and hold it there (B).
6. When the LED blinks RED TWICE.
Push the throttle trigger to the full
reverse and hold it there (C).
7. When the LED turns solid GREEN, programming
is complete. The LED will continuously shine
green indicating the EVX-2 Marine is on and at
neutral (D).
EVX-2 Marine Operation
To operate the speed control and test the programming, place the boat
on a stand so all of the propellers are off the ground. Always make sure
that objects and ngers are clear of the props.
1. With the transmitter on, press the EZ-Set button for ½ second, until
the LED shines GREEN, then immediately release the button.
This turns on the EVX-2 Marine. If you press and release too quickly,
you may hear the steering servo jump but the LED may not stay on.
Press the button again until the LED shines GREEN and then release.
(Note: If the throttle is not at neutral or if the throttle trim has been
altered, the LED will turn off after one second and the propellers may
begin to spin.)
2. Apply forward throttle. The LED will turn off until full throttle power
is reached. At full throttle, the led will shine GREEN.
3. Return the throttle trigger to neutral. The LED will shine GREEN.
4. Move the throttle trigger forward again to engage reverse (Prole #1).
The LED will turn off. Once full reverse power is reached, the LED will
shine GREEN.
5. To stop, return the throttle trigger to neutral. Note that there is no
programmed delay when changing from reverse to forward. Use
caution to avoid slamming the speed control from reverse to forward.
This could result in transmission or driveline damage.
6. To turn the EVX-2 Marine off, press the EZ-Set button until the green
LED turns off.
Thermal Shutdown Protection
The EVX-2 Marine is equipped with thermal shutdown protection to guard
against overheating caused by excessive current ow. If the operating
temperature exceeds safe limits, the EVX-2 Marine will automatically shut
down and the remote LED will ash red. The LED will continuously ash
red, even if the throttle trigger is moved back and forth. After the speed
control cools down to a safe level, the LED will continuously shine green.
The EVX-2 Marine will once again function normally.
EVX-2 Marine Prole Selection
The speed control is factory set to Prole #1. To change the prole,
follow the steps on described below. The speed control should be
connected to the receiver and battery, and the transmitter should be
adjusted as described previously. The proles are selected by entering
the programming mode.
EVX-2 Marine Prole Description
Prole #1 (Sport Mode): 100% Forward, 25% Reverse
Prole #2 (Race Mode): 100% Forward, No Reverse
Prole #3 (Training Mode): 50% Forward, 25% Reverse
Selecting Sport Mode (Prole #1)
1. Connect two fully charged battery
packs to the EVX-2 Marine and turn
on your transmitter.
2. With the EVX-2 Marine off, press and
hold the EZ-Set button until the light
turns solid green, then solid red and
then begins blinking red (indicating
the Prole numbers).
3. When the light blinks red once,
release the EZ-Set button.
4. The light will then turn green and the model is ready to drive.
Green then Red
Once Red
Twice Red
Solid Green
One blink Red
Green to Red to Off
Solid Green
080211 EVX2 Marine Addm.indd 1 2/11/08 11:37:30 AM