TV Size Range: 23 ~46
Maximum Weight Capacity: 40kg/88lbs
VESA: 100x100-400x400
Thank you for choosing our productThank you for choosing our product
This productcontainssmall itemsthatcould beachoking hazardif swallowed.Keep
theseitems awayfromyoung children
1.Makesurethese instructionsarereadand completelyunderstoodbeforeattempting
installation.If youareunsureof any partofthis installation,contacta professional
installerfor assistance.
2.Thewall ormountingsurface mustbecapable ofsupporting thecombinedweight of
themount andthedisplay;otherwisethe structuremust bereinforced
3.Safetygear andpropertools mustbeused. Aminimumof twopeoplearerequired
forthis installation.Failureto use safetygearcan resultin propertydamage, serious
injury or death.
Thisproduct wasdesignedto beinstalled onwoodstud wallsandsolid concretewalls.
Beforeinstalling makesurethe supportingsurfacewill supportthecombined loadofthe
equipmentand hardware.Never exceedthe MaximumLoadCapacity. Thisproduct is
intendedfor indooruseonly.Useof thisproductoutdoors couldleadto productfailureor
Part 3-
Hang thescreen
Hook thescreen ontothe wall plate.Then swing thescreen down.Once the screen is
settled, pulldown the Supportablelever,so that you can insertthe cable.
Always usean assistant or mechanical lifting equipmentto safely lift and
position heavyequipment.
Part 3-
Hang thescreen
Supportable block
TV connectionblock
Wall plate
TV connectionblock
Wall plate
Item No.:PSWLE07Item No.:PSWLE07
www pyleaudio com..
Pyle Audio
1600 63rdst ,Brooklyn, NY, 11204