Polk Audio Customer Service 800-377-7655 (Outside USA & Canada: 410-358-3600) polkcs@polkaudio.com
Frequently Asked Questions
Breathe. Relax. Here Are the Most Commonly Asked Questions and Concerns
About Setting Up and Programming the SurroundBar
Our Customer Service Department has compiled the most
commonly asked questions people have about connecting and
programing their SurroundBar3000 Instant Home Theater. If you
read these questions, we’re pretty confident you will find the
answer(s) you need. The SurroundBar3000 IHT comes with its own
credit card remote, and you can use it to get your system working
Now here is the single most important piece of information we
can give you:
Only train the SurroundBar using your TV’s remote control.
Let’s repeat that. Only train the SurroundBar using your TV’s
remote control. Once you have trained the SurroundBar using
your TV’s remote, your satellite/cable box remote should be able
to control the SurroundBar.
1. How do I train my SurroundBar to work with my TV
remote control?
§ First, we’d suggest watching this video:
Start with the SurroundBar’s status light solid green and
some sound coming through the bar. Do not use a DirecTV,
cable box or similar remote to do the training. You can still
use these but only AFTER you’ve trained the bar to respond
to your original TV remote.
Step 1) Press and hold “learn” on the bar for two seconds,
until the bar’s status light starts flashing orange, then release.
Step 2) Press and release (tap, do not hold) the button
you are trying to learn ON THE BAR (such as volume up).
The light should become solid orange.
Step 3) Take your TV remote, aim it at the bar and tap the
corresponding function about once per second (in this
example, press volume up, (tap-tap-tap-tap). This may
require up to 8 taps, or as many times as it takes for the
bar’s status light to stop flashing and become solid green,
which means the bar has learned the command.
Step 4) Verify that the function works with the same
remote. Keep in mind you’re testing only the function
you’ve just learned, not any other function yet. Next, if you
are using a satellite/cable box remote, verify that remote
Next, repeat the previous steps for the next command
(for example, Volume Down, then Mute, then Power) by
going back to step 1.
If the function did not learn (the bar never flashed green
quickly, or the remote does not control the function you’ve
just tried training), try again, If it still does not learn, skip to the
next question:
A special note on the power button: When training
the bar’s power command, when you get to step 3,
The power button is the flashing orange light. Also,
when tapping “power” on the TV remote, your TV
may turn on and off while you’re doing this- just
ignore the TV for now.
2. My bar does not learn the TV remote. Now What?
§ We suggest trying to train the commands again. You may
have to reset the bar. Turn the unit off so the bar’s status
light is solid red.. Then press and hold LEARN until the bar’s
status light flashes orange twice. Turn the bar back
on and try again. You may need to try a different speed
when you’re tapping the button you want to program on
your original remote.
Keep in mind that, although the bar will learn 95% of
remotes, there are some remotes the bar will not work
with. One type of remote the bar will not learn is an “RF”
remote, which may come with some TVs, particularly LED
TVs. One way to tell if your remote is “RF” is to cup your
hand over the end of the remote and try to control your TV.
If it controls, then it is an RF remote and cannot be used
with this bar.
3. I programmed the bar to respond to my DirecTV (or
other cable box/sat receiver “universal”), but the volume
control turns louder when I press volume down.
§ Try reprogramming all of the functions (volume up, volume
down, mute and power) with your original TVs remote
control. DO NOT USE the DirecTV or Cable TV remote.
Once the SurroundBar is trained with the original TVs
remote, the DirecTV remote should work properly. Follow
the question 2 to reset the bar, and Question 1 to train the
4. The bar’s included remote either does not work or has a
very limited range.
§ Try changing the battery of the remote (it’s a CR2025). If
this does not help, please give us a call at 800-377-7655.
§ Make sure you have removed the plastic battery
insulator tab.
5. My dog ate my remote, can I get a new one?
§ First, we hope your dog is ok. And, yes, if the dog ate your
credit card remote that came with your SurroundBar3000,
please call our parts department at 800-377-7655 during
east coast business hours. They are $10 each + shipping +
tax. The part number is RE1305-1.
§ If your dog ate your TV’s remote, you’ll have to call the TV
manufacturer. Sorry.