Process Fluid Chiller Designed for CTI PETNet Cyclotron 1
Keeping Business in Business
Process Fluid Chiller
Designed for CTI PETNet Cyclotron
• Dedicated, equipment-matched cooling supplies the proper temperature and water flow year round.
• Factory-tested, piped, wired and charged for hassle-free startup and operation.
• Clean, non-ferrous cooling loop, required for sensitive medical equipment.
• Local service and parts for quick and knowledgeable maintenance and service.
• Optional switch-over to alternate water source provides redundant, continuous operation.
• Optional remote monitoring systems keep you informed of chiller operation.
• UL/CSA listing on standard models.
• ISO 9001 certified company.
PETNet Cyclotron Specifications
Fluid Specified Water
Heat Dissipation—BTUH (kW) 60,000 (17.6)
Fluid Temperature Range—°F (°C) 40-50 (4.4-10)
Fluid Flow Rate—GPM (l/m) 10 (38)
Fluid Pressure Drop—PSI (kPa) 5 (34)
Note: Performance is based on 95°F condenser ambient.
Process Fluid Chiller Specifications
Model Number PS096A PS096A
Fluid Circulated Ethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol
Net Cooling Capacity—BTUH (kW) 72,400 (21.2) 68,200 (20)
Leaving Fluid Temperature—°F (°C) 45 (7.2) 45 (7.2)
Fluid Flow Rate—GPM (l/m) 10 (38) 10 (38)
PETNet Cyclotron Pressure Drop—PSI (kPa) 5 (34) 5 (34)
Chiller Pressure Drop—PSI (kPa) 6.6 (45) 8.0 (54.5)
Pump Total Head—PSI (kPa) 65 (448) 65 (448)
Head Available for Piping Circuit—PSI (kPa) 53.4 (369) 52.0 (360)
Pump HP (kW) 3 (2.2) 3 (2.2)
Based on Siemens specification dated 07/97