For Models 200660, 300660, 301060, 501210, 601210
Warning: Gen/Tran transfer switches should be installed by a professional electrician familiar with electrical wiring and codes, and experienced in working
with generators. Gen/Tran accepts no responsibility for accidents, damages or personal injury caused by incorrect installation. These transfer switches are
intended for surface or flush mounting INDOORS only.
Caution: If using the generator and transfer switch for larger appliances, such as electric water heaters, clothes dryers, electric ranges and small air
conditioners, check the labels on the appliances to be sure they do NOT exceed the rating of the generator. No appliance should have an amperage rating that
exceeds the “GENERATOR MAIN” rating in the transfer switch.
Thank you for purchasing the finest manual transfer switch available today. Gen/Tran’s PowerStay
Manual Transfer Switches are designed to safely connect
generators to load centers in homes and light commercial buildings (single phase only) for standby power applications. Features include:
Generator Main and Utility Main are mechanically interlocked preventing utility or generator power back feed
Full branch circuit protection with Siemens
circuit breakers
Dual wattmeters on models 200660, 300660, 301060, 501210 and 601210 help monitor and balance generator load, prolonging generator life
Pre-assembled wire harness for easy connection to the load center
Optional GFCI, Arc Fault or Surge Protection circuit breakers to further protect your home and electronic equipment (Available from Gen/Tran)
Optional dust cover to keep debris and dust out of your transfer switch (Available from Gen/Tran PN 501069)
Tools Needed for Installation:
♦ ¼” and 11/32 nut drivers, 2-1/8” hole saw (if flush mounting)
♦ Straight blade and Phillips screwdriver
♦ Electric drill
♦ Wire cutter/stripper
Other Items Needed:
♦ New 2-pole, 240V Breaker to mount in main load center – amperage to match utility breaker (see specifications Table I for Utility Main Breaker size – should be
manufactured by same as Main load center).
♦ Anchors and screws to mount switch to wall
♦ PVC cement (to secure connectors onto flexible conduit)
♦ Additional wire connectors if switch is “hard-wired”. See Table 2 for correct size.
♦ May need Arc-fault, GFCI or Surge protection circuit breakers. If Arc-fault, GFCI or Surge protection circuit breakers are used as the branch circuit protector in the main
load center, they MUST be used in the manual transfer switch. See Table 3 for compatible breakers. (Available through Gen/Tran).
♦ Power Inlet Box – for “hard-wired” installations. (Available through Gen/Tran).
♦ Power Cord to connect generator to switch or power inlet box. (Available through Gen/Tran).
Typical Basement Installation Typical Garage Installation
Hardwired to generator using a power inlet box Plug-in cord connection
Wiring Harness
Load Center
Power Inlet Box
Power Cord
Power Cord
Wiring Harness
Load Center