Please read the following safety warnings and
precautions before using your device. Note:
If this device is to be used by young children,
this User’s Guide should be read to them by
an adult and their use of the device should be
monitored. Failure to do so may cause injury.
1. Getting Started
1.1 Installing the Batteries
Your product is powered by two AAA batteries.
Follow these easy instructions to install or
replace them. Please have the new batteries at
hand before you remove the old ones.
1. Turn your product o and turn it over.
2. Open the battery cover on the back of
your unit by pushing in the direction of
the arrow.
3. Remove the old batteries.
4. Install the batteries following the +/-
markings in the battery compartment.
Important: Be sure that the batteries are
installed correctly. Wrong polarity may
damage the unit.
5. Replace the battery cover.
Warning: If the batteries wear-out completely
or if you take more than a few seconds while
changing the batteries, any information that
was entered in the built-in books may be
erased. You should always keep written copies
of your important information.
Battery Precautions
• Non-rechargeablebatteriesarenottobere-
with the device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesaretoberemoved
from the device before being charged.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobecharged
under adult supervision.
• Donotmixoldandnewbatteries.
• Onlybatteriesofthesameorequivalenttype
as recommended are to be used.
• Thesupplyterminalsarenottobeshort-
• Donotexposebatteriestodirectheatortry
to take batteries apart. Follow the battery
manufacturer’s instructions for battery use.
• Alwaysremoveaweakordeadbatteryfrom
the device.
• Toavoiddamagecausedbyleakageofthe
battery uid, replace the battery or batteries
once every two years regardless of how much
the device has been used during that time.
• Shouldabatteryleak,thedevicemaybecome
damaged. Clean the battery compartment
immediately, avoiding contact with your skin.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofsmallchildren.If
swallowed, consult a physician immediately.
1.2 Understanding Your Device
+ 0-9 Typesthespecialcharacter
shown on the number key.
+ Displaysamenuofspecial
characters, including: ! @ # $ % ^
& * ( ) – / \ ; : ‘ “ , . ? _ = ¡ ¿ [ and ].
+ Displaysahelpmessage.
+ At a word entry screen, types an
asterisk to stand for a series of
letters in a word.
Direction Keys
Moves up ( ), down ( ), left
( ), or right ( ). Follow the
arrow: Theashingarrowson
the right of the screen show
which arrow keys you can press
to move around menus or view
In menus and dictionary entries,
pages down.
1.4 Using the Main Menu
Learn, Exercises, Games and Tools. Use and
to move to another tab. Use and to
highlight the option you want and press
ENTER to select it. You can also go directly to a
1.5 Understanding the Menus
TheBooks tab enables you to look up
about English usage, punctuation, style, signs,
translations of common words.
TheLearn tab enables you to access My
Vocabulary List, a personal dictionary, and read
Word List.
TheExercises tab allows you to access
Speaking Spelling Bee and Flashcards. You can
My Vocabulary ListandthosefoundintheSAT®
Word List.
TheGames tab allows you to access the twelve
games included in your device: Word Train,
Hangman, Anagrams, Word Builder, Jumble, 1
and 2 player Link Four, Letris, Letter Poker, Word
Blaster, Word Dozer and Word Deduction. You
can also adjust the game settings.
TheTools tab allows you to access a
demonstration and tutorial of how this device
works. You can also adjust the device settings.
Use this menu to access a phone book,
schedule, memo book, class schedule, timer,
stopwatch, clock, calculator, metric converter
and currency converter.
1.6 Viewing a Demonstration or
1. Press MENU.
2. Press TOOLS.
You can also press or until you reach
3. Press to highlight either Tutorial or
View Demo and press ENTER.
1.7 Help is Always at Hand
You can view a help message at any screen by
pressing FN and then pressing MENU. Press
or toread.Toexithelp,pressBACK.
2. BOOKS Menu
2.1 Finding Dictionary Entries
Use the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate®
Dictionary, 11th Editiontolookupdenitions.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. M-W’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary is
highlighted. Press ENTER to select it.
4. Begin typing a word (e.g., intuition).
book that matches the letters you type
moves to the top of the word list. You may
not have to type the entire word in order
note that “intuition” appears on the screen
after you type “intu”.
5. When the word you want is on the
screen, press until the word is
word is complete and the matching word is
automatically highlighted.
capital, press CAP and then press a letter
Press... To...
hear the highlighted word
THES look up the highlighted word’s
thesaurus entry
LIST add the highlighted word to My
Vocabulary List
TRANS look up translations of the
highlighted word
6. Once the word you want is highlighted,
press ENTER to look it up.
Press or SPACE to scroll.
Press to hear a headword
pronounced. Press FN and then press
7. Press FN and then press or to view
the next or previous entry.
8. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
Understanding Denitions
Entries may consist of headwords, parts
the word may follow the headword. After
Misspelling Words
If you enter a misspelled word, a list of
corrections appears. Highlight the word you
want and then press ENTER to see its entry.
Viewing Multiple Entries
you can easily move back and forth between
the matches. Press FN and then press or to
Understanding Confusables
Confusables are homonyms, homophones
and spelling variants that are easy to confuse,
e.g. board, bored. If the word you looked up is
a confusable, the CONFSoftKeyisdisplayed.
Press CONF to view the confusables.
2.2 Hearing Words
spell correction lists, My Vocabulary List, and
games. When you want to hear how a word
is pronounced, just highlight it and press
Toadjustthevolume,rstpress .Then
press or to adjust it higher or lower. You
can also plug headphones into the headphone
jack which is located on the right side of the
device when looking at the screen.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. M-W’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary is
highlighted. Press ENTER to select it.
4. Type a word (e.g., ptarmigan).
5. Press to hear it pronounced.
6. Press ENTER to see its denition.
7. Press to hear the headword
pronounced or press FN and then press
to hear the denition read.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary,
11th Edition.
8. Press ENTER to start the highlight.
9. Use the arrow keys to move the highlight
to a word you want to hear.
10. Press to hear the highlighted
word pronounced.
11. Press CLEAR when done.
2.3 Using the Thesaurus
antonyms and other information about a word.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight Franklin
Thesaurus, then press ENTER.
4. Begin typing a word (e.g., complete).
book that matches the letters you type
moves to the top of the word list. You may
not have to type the entire word in order
note that “complete” appears on the screen
after you type “complet”.
5. When the word you want is on the
screen, press until the word is
word is complete and the matching word is
automatically highlighted.
capital, press CAP and then press a letter
Press to hear the word you typed
6. Press ENTER to view the thesaurus entry.
Press or SPACE to scroll.
Press to hear a headword
7. Hold FN and press or to view the
next or previous entry.
8. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
stamp collecting.
5. Press ENTER to view its entry.
Press or if necessary, to highlight the
sub-topic you want and then press ENTER.
Press BACK to return to the list.
Press SPACE or to scroll.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
2.9 Finding Quotations
subject or work.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight M-W’s Dictionary of
Quotations, then press ENTER.
4. Press or to highlight the search
option you want.
Search by Author displays a list of authors,
arranged alphabetically.
Search by Subject displays a list of subject,
arranged alphabetically.
Search by Work displays a list of published
works, arranged alphabetically.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Press or to highlight the author,
subject or work you want.
Press SPACE to scroll one page at a time.
You can also type a letter to go to the
example,intheauthorslist,typecs to
highlight C.S. Lewis.
7. Press ENTER.
subject or work, press or to highlight
Press SPACE or to scroll.
8. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
2.10 Using the 5-Language
Use the 5-language translator to translate
German, and Italian.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight 5 Language
Translator, then press ENTER.
change the input language.
4. Begin typing a word (e.g., place).
book that matches the letters you type
moves to the top of the word list. You may
not have to type the entire word in order
note that “place” appears on the screen
after you type “pl”.
5. When the word you want is on the
screen, press until the word is
word is complete and the matching word is
automatically highlighted.
capital, press CAP and then press a letter
5. Press ENTER to view the translations.
Press SPACE or to scroll.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
3. LEARN Menu
3.1 Using My Vocabulary List
You can save up to 100 words in My Vocabulary
List for personal study or review. My Vocabulary
List is saved between sessions unless your
product is reset.
Adding Words from the Learn
1. Press MENU.
2. Press LEARN.
3. My Vocabulary List will be highlighted.
Press ENTER to select it.
4. Press ADD.
5. Type a word and then press ENTER.
Note: If the word you typed is not found in
any dictionary on the device you see a list
of possible corrections.
6. Press CLOSE when done.
Adding Words from the
You can add words to My Vocabulary List from
any dictionary or thesaurus in your device.
1. Press MENU.
You see the Books menu.
2. Use or to select a dictionary or
thesaurus and then press ENTER.
3. Type the word you want to look up
and add to your word list (for example,
4. Press LIST.
Understanding Thesaurus Entries
A thesaurus entry consists of a group of
synonyms, antonyms and classmates.
meanings, e.g. happy/joyous. Antonyms are
words that have the opposite meaning of the
wordbeingdened,e.g.happy/ miserable.
Classmates are words that are related in
triangle/triangle; castanets; cymbal; drum;
2.4 Highlighting Words
Another way to look up words is by
highlighting them in entries or word lists.
entries, or add them to My Vocabulary List.
1. At any text, press ENTER to start the
2. Use the arrow keys to move the highlight
to the word you want.
Press... To...
ENTER or DICT denetheword
hear the word pronounced
THES view the word’s thesaurus
LIST add the word to My
Vocabulary List
TRANS look up translations of the
available in all locations.
3. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
2.5 Finding Letters in Words
If you are uncertain about how to spell a
other parts of words, type an asterisk (✽) in a
word. Each asterisk stands for a series of letters.
Note: If you type an asterisk at the beginning
matching words.
1. Go to any word entry screen.
You can access a word entry screen by
selecting M-W’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary,
Franklin Thesaurus, or 5 Language Translator
from the Books menu.
2. Type a word with ?’s and ✽’s.
Totypeanasterisk,holddownCAP and
3. Press ENTER.
4. Press to move the highlight to the
word you want and press ENTER to view
its entry.
5. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
2.6 Reading About English
and learn common rules of English usage.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight M-W’s Concise
English Usage, then press ENTER.
4. Use or to highlight the topic you
want and press ENTER.
Use or to highlight a sub-topic, if
needed, and press ENTER.
5. Press SPACE or to scroll.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
2.7 Reading About Punctuation
and Style
and learn common rules of punctuation and
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight M-W’s Guide to
Punctuation & Style, then press ENTER.
4. Use or to highlight the topic you
want and press ENTER.
Use or to highlight a sub-topic, if
needed, and press ENTER.
5. Press SPACE or to scroll.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
Press MENU to go to the main menu.
2.8 Using Signs, Symbols and
useful information about science, geography,
1. Press MENU.
2. Press BOOKS.
3. Use or to highlight M-W’s Signs,
Symbols and Tables, then press ENTER.
4. Press or to highlight the topic you
You can also type a letter to go to the
example,typest to highlight Stamps and
Add “poignant” to word list?, Go to My
Vocabulary List, and Cancel appear in a
menu. Press or to highlight the option
you want and press ENTER. A message will
You can also press ENTER to view the
dictionary or thesaurus entry and then
press LIST to see your options.
5. Press CLEAR when done.
Viewing My Vocabulary List
1. Press MENU.
2. Press LEARN.
3. My Vocabulary List will be highlighted.
Press ENTER to select it.
right of the screen.
4. Press or to highlight an entry.
to go directly to that part of the list.
5. Press ENTER to view its denition.
6. Press CLOSE when done.
Deleting Words
1. Press MENU.
2. Press LEARN.
3. My Vocabulary List will be highlighted.
Press ENTER to select it.
right of the screen.
4. Press or to highlight an entry.
to go directly to that part of the list.
5. Press DELETE to remove the highlighted
is highlighted. Press ENTER to delete the
word. Press to highlight No and then
press ENTER to cancel the deletion.
6. To delete all words, press DEL ALL.
is highlighted. Press ENTER to cancel the
deletion. Press to highlight Yes and then
press ENTER to erase the list. Note:Only
the current list is erased.
7. Press CLEAR when done.
3.2 Reading the Grammar Guide
Your device includes an outline of English
grammar topics such as parts of speech, phrases,
clauses, the correct usage of punctuation, and
so on.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press LEARN.
3. Press or to highlight Grammar Guide
and then press ENTER.
Each major section is composed of topics and
4. Press or to highlight the topic you want
to study and then press ENTER.
5. If necessary, highlight the sub-topic you
want and press ENTER.
6. Press SPACE or to read.
the rules described in that topic, the QUIZSoft
Keywillbedisplayed.PressQUIZ to begin the
7. Press FN and then press or to view the
next or previous topic.
8. Press BACK to return to the list of topics.
9. Press CLEAR or MENU when done.
3.3 Using the SAT® Word List
and learn English words like those you might
1. Press MENU.
2. Press LEARN.
3. Press or to highlight SAT® Word List,
then press ENTER.
Press or toscrollthroughtheSAT®
Word List. You can also type a letter to go to
example,typegre to see gregarious.
Press ENTER at any word to view its
denition.PressBACK to return to the list.
*SAT is a registered trademark of the College
Entrance Examination Board, which was not
involved in the production of, and does not
endorse, this product.
3.4 Using Personal Dictionaries
.csv formatted personal dictionaries that you
have imported to your device from a PC. For
more information about importing dictionaries
to your device, please see “Copying Files to
1. Press MENU.
2. Press LEARN.
2. Press to select Personal Dictionary and
then press ENTER.
device appear in a list.
3. Press or to select the dictionary you
want to view and then press ENTER.
You see the list of entries contained in the
selected dictionary.
4. Press or to select the entry you want
to view.
You can also type letters to go directly to
that part of the list.
5. Press ENTER to view the selected entry.
6. Press CLOSE or CLEAR when done.
improve your vocabulary.
4.1 Speaking Spelling Bee
1. Press MENU.
2. Press EXER.
You can choose My Speaking Spelling Bee
which uses words from My Vocabulary List
or SAT® Speaking Spelling Bee which uses
3. Press or to highlight the one you
want, then press ENTER.
A word will be pronounced for you to spell.
Tohearthewordagain,press .
4. Type in the word you just heard and
press ENTER to see if you spelled it right.
Press HINT to ash the word on the screen.
Press QUIT to reveal the word.
5. Press DEFINITION to see the denition of
the word.
Press BACK to return to Speaking Spelling
6. Press NEW for a new word.
7. Press END when done.
4.2 Flashcards
1. Press MENU.
2. Press EXER.
You can choose My Flashcards which uses
words from My Vocabulary List or SAT®
Word List.
3. Press or to highlight the one you
want, then press ENTER.
A word will appear on the screen for
BACK to return to Flashcards.
4. Press NEW for a new word.
5. Press END when done.
5. GAMES Menu
You have twelve fun games to choose from.
5.1 Changing Game Settings
Before you play, you can choose the source of
the words or the skill level.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press GAMES.
3. Game Settings is highlighted. Press ENTER
to select it.
4. Use or to move
to Game Words or
Skill Level.
Game Words chooses the source of the
words: M-W’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary,
SAT® Word List, or My Vocabulary List.
Skill Leveldetermineshoweasyordicult
a game is.
5. Use to open the drop-down menu.
6. Press or to highlight the option you
want and then press ENTER.
7. Press BACK to return to the Games
5.2 Selecting a Game
In the Games menu, use or to move the
highlight to the game of your choice and press
5.3 Getting Help in the Games
pressing HELP.
You can get a hint by pressing HINT or reveal
the game word by pressing QUIT. Note: If you
reveal the game word, you lose the round.
6. TOOLS Menu
6.1 Using Phonebook, Schedule
and Memo
Adding Entries
1. Press MENU and then press TOOLS.
2. Press or to select Phone Book,
Schedule or Memo and then press ENTER.
3. Press NEW.
4. Enter the appropriate information in the
available elds.
Press or ENTERtoadvancetothenext
Totypeacapital,holdCAP and press a
letter key.
press FN and then press a number key.
You can also press FN and then press
to view a menu of special characters. Use
the direction keys to select one and press
User’s Guide
1) Screen
2) Speaker
3) Function Keys
4) USB Port:TheUSBPortisdesignedfora
your PC to connect your device to your PC.
5) Headphone jack:Theheadphonejackis
designed for 3.5 mm, 35 ohm impedance
stereo headphones. Caution: Monophonic
headphones will not work with this unit.
6) Power Key
7) Direction Keys
1.3 Key Guide
Soft Keys
labels displayed along the bottom of the
key at the top of the
keyboard that corresponds to the label on
labels change to reect the dierent functions
this device.
BOOKS DisplaystheBooksmenu.
LEARN DisplaystheLearnmenu.
EXER DisplaystheExercisesmenu.
GAMES DisplaystheGamesmenu.
TOOLS DisplaystheToolsmenu.
Guide to learn the function of any available
Function Keys
Goes to the main menu. With FN,
displays a help message.
Shiftstoallowprev, next,
page up, page down, and in
combination with the number
keys, types special characters.
Clears or cancels the current
operation and reverts to the last
menu, prompt or screen. Goes
to the word entry screen in any
book that has one. Clears the
Backs up, erases a letter, or turns
o the highlight at an entry.
Enters a word, selects an item, or
begins a highlight in an entry.
At a word entry screen, types a ?
to stand for a letter in a word.
medium, large).
or to adjust it.
At entry screens, types a space.
Combination Keys
+ Speaksadenition.
+ / Pages up or down.
+ / At a dictionary entry, displays the
+ / Atamenu,goestotherstorlast
menu item. At an entry, goes to
the start or end of the entry.