Food Processors
The K25 is a back-up cutter for
large kitchens or can be used as a
multi-purpose machine in small
kitchens to chop, mix, emulsify and
knead or for preparation of
mousses and pâté of vegetables,
meat and fish.
V Stainless steel bowl (3 litre capacity)
with central tube.
V Transparent polycarbonate cover.
V The various parts of the machine are
easily cleaned thanks to the smooth
surfaces. The knife block is designed to
facilitate cleaning.
V The speed of rotation of the one
piece rotor-1.500 rpm - allows all sorts
of preparations to be carried out in a
matter of seconds.
V The blades are angled and the base
of the bowl is conical to ensure
consistent mixing.
V A "no-volt release" system prevents
any accidental starting of the machine.