Card Installation and Node Startup 3-1
Card Installation and Node Startup
This chapter covers the following topics:
• How to install the cards in an IGX node that has arrived without cards already installed. (The
rack-mount models of the IGX 8420 and IGX 8430 nodes arrive with cards not installed.)
• Information unique to each card type that applies to bringing up the node and the network.
• Connections to LAN, modem, and printer ports.
• Checklist of readiness before you attempt to bring up the node.
• The commands and steps for bringing up the node and each type of card set in the node.
• Power-up diagnostics.
• IGX configuration summary and IGX management.
Preparing the Cards
The locations of the system cards in the IGX node depend on the hardware configuration. Primary
and redundant NPMs must reside in front slot 1 and 2. The SCM must reside in back slot 1. Except
for these reserved slots, cards can reside in any slot on the appropriate side of the node (but Cisco
recommends that the optional ARM/ARI card set reside in the slot on the far right).
Before you install cards in a rack-mounted IGX 8420 or IGX 8430 node, to indicate whether the
system is an IGX 8420 or an IGX 8430 node, you must either remove or leave a jumper switch on
the SCM. (For the IGX 8410 node and standalone IGX 8420/8430 systems, Cisco sets the switch at
the factory.) The switch is W6. It sits above component U7P (near the top of connector P2). To
indicate an IGX 8430 node, remove the jumper. To indicate an IGX 8420, leave the jumper. Make a
record of this step so you do not have to remove the SCM later to check it. See Figure 3-1.