2 azur 540R AV receiver
Thank y
ou f
or p
urchasing t
his C
ambridge A
udio 5
40R A
V r
eceiver. I
represents C
ambridge A
udio's f
irst m
ove i
nto t
he e
xciting w
orld o
f m
channel s
ound. I
t s
tems f
rom a
radition o
f o
ver 3
0 y
ears o
f p
stereo a
mplifiers a
nd h
olds t
rue t
o t
he C
ambridge p
hilosophy o
excellent p
erformance a
t t
he b
est p
ossible p
rice. W
e h
ope t
hat y
ou w
enjoy m
any y
ears o
f h
appy a
nd r
ewarding o
About t
his A
V r
The 540R is designed to maximise multi-channel performance without
compromising on stereo reproduction. As such, the six, 80W discrete
amplifiers are kept as separate as possible from the processing and
input stages. An oversized power supply ensures that the 540R can
maintain a high power output into difficult electrical loads to ensure a
powerful and effortless sound.
A full range of Digital and analogue inputs are fitted to the 540R. The
four Digital inputs allow for the connection of suitably equipped DVD
players, satellite boxes and games consoles for decoding into digital
surround formats. In addition, there are conventional stereo inputs for
CD players and the like to ensure the best possible stereo reproduction.
The 540R is also capable of decoding your stereo sources in Dolby Pro
II (Pro Logic is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories), for
a convincing and effective surround experience from a stereo source.
This ensures sources such as analogue televisions and VCR's can make
full use of the 540R's surround capabilities.
In addition to the stereo analogue input, the 540R also carries a seven-
channel analogue input. This feature allows for the connection of a DVD
Audio or SACD equipped player to the 540R. This means that the 540R
is fully equipped to make the most of these exciting new music formats.
As well as the full complement of audio inputs, the 540R also performs
Composite, S-Video and Component Video switching. This means that
the 540R can be used as a hub to carry video signals in addition to the
audio ones. For example, this would enable two Component Video
equipped items to be connected to a single component input on your
television or monitor, meaning more items can be connected to fewer
high quality inputs on your television.
Last, but by no means least, is the fitment of pre-outs to the 540R. This
means that an existing stereo amp can be retained to drive the front
channels or indeed every channel can be driven by a separate power
amplifier and the 540R simply used as a processor and pre-amp. This
feature allows for the retention of existing quality stereo amps and
allows for a degree of additional upgrading.
Now w
e i
nvite y
ou t
o s
it b
ack, r
elax a
nd e
Matthew Bramble
Technical Director
Introduction................................................................................................. 2
Important safety instructions.....................................................................3
Rear panel connections…………………………………………………... .................4
Speaker connection and placement……………………………………….…........ 5
Connecting video and audio source equipment………….…..................... 6
Front panel controls……………………………………………………….……............ ..8
Remote control handset……………………………………………………............... 9
Operation…………………………………………………………………………............... 10
Technical Specifications………………………………………………………………....12
Limited warranty....................................................................................... 13